Modular Rail Modelling in New Zealand

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Back on track...

Okay, so I can use lame puns too. Here is the most recent work I've done on the layout. I added some more trees and shrubbery. It took all of ten minutes. As previously, the trees are from the Woodland Scenics range. They're expensive, but I like the look. I'll be making my own trees soon though.




  1. These are looking great! They are very realistic too. The only thing I can think of to add a slight bit more of realism is some variation of colour in the grass. Could be done with some light drybrushing or an airbrush. Just a thought.

  2. Hi, yeah. I've decided that too because it looks too uniform as it is. It probably would have been better to use two shades of static grass in different patches during application. Never mind, I'll know for next time. I might give the airbrush a go on a test spot.
